Ardex A38 Floor Screed 25kg



Ardex A38 Floor Screed has been specially formulated to produce ultra-rapid drying floor screeds for internal and external locations.

With ‘RAPIDRY PLUS FORMULA’ Technology, Ardex A38 Floor Screed can be walked on just 3 hours after application and ceramic and natural stone tiles can be installed after just 4 hours irrespective of thickness, making it ideal for fast track tiling projects.

Resilient floorcoverings such as carpet, vinyl and wood can be installed after 48 hours irrespective of thickness. Ardex A38 Floor Screed achieves rapid strengthening and will pass a BRE Screed (ISCR) Test after just 6 hours. After a day, it will also exceed the acceptable minimum compressive and tensile bending strengths attained by ordinary cement screeds after 28 days.

Ardex A38 Floor Screed is used to produce bonded, unbonded and floating screeds for internal and external locations, including wet areas such as swimming pools. It can also be used for large repairs to existing cement/sand screeds. It is ideal for situations where early foot traffic and rapid hardening is required.

The product should be applied to the following thicknesses as recommended by BS 8204: Part 1 or BS 5385: Part 3:

Bonded screeds: 15mm – 40mm.
Unbonded screeds: 50mm+.
Floating screeds: 75mm+ or 65mm+ in lightly loaded/domestic locations.

Also available as a pre-blended mix with graded aggregates for easy application – Ardex A38 MIX.

When used for screed repair, Ardex A38 Floor Screed can be applied to the full thickness of the existing cement/sand screed.

Ardex A38 Floor Screed can be laid as a bonded screed by firstly applying an Ardex A38 grouting slurry to a suitably prepared concrete base. The screed must then be placed and compacted on the base ‘fresh in fresh’ whilst the grouting slurry is still wet and workable.

To prepare the grouting slurry for dry concrete in internal locations, dilute Ardex P51 Primer & Bonding Agent with an equal volume of water. Then add A38 powder mixed with an equal volume of screeding sand with the diluted Ardex P51 to produce a grouting slurry of a creamy consistency.

For external locations, wet areas and damp concrete, prepare the grouting slurry as above using Ardex E100 Additive for Bonding/Slurry Grouts diluted with an equal volume of water.

It is possible to pump screed mixes using a proprietary screed pump. Contact the Ardex Technical Services Department for further details.

Using the recommended 1:5 mix, material requirement is approximately 0.31kg of screed per m2 per millimetre of screed thickness i.e. approximately 3.2m2 at 25mm thick or 5.4m2 at 15mm thick per bag.

Technical Data:
Weight of fresh mortar approx. 2kg/litre
Working time at 20°C approx. 1 hour
Walkability at 20°C approx. 3 hours

Compressive Strength Using 0-8MM Graded Aggregate:
After 1 day 25.0 N/mm2
After 7 days 40.0 N/mm2
After 28 days 45.0 N/mm2

Tensile Bending Strength (1:5):
After 1 day 4.0 N/mm2
After 7 days 4.5 N/mm2
After 28 days 5.5 N/mm2


Product Datasheet

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